Tuesday. I’ve been waking before 7am lately. A lot. I’m not sure why. I’m guessing it is coffee related - I used to only drink coffee before 10am. I slacked on that rule and it usually messes with my sleeping. So today should be ~funky~!
Onto to the recos:
1/ This beautiful piece made me tear up. “The Soft Butch That Couldn’t (Or: I Got COVID-19 in March and Never Got Better)” - what a title, right? Heather Hogan has long been a writer I love to read. From early “Naomily” fanfic to her personal, vibrant posts on Autostraddle. Covid-19 has upended her life and the piece outlines just exactly how. I want so much for her. Health above all. I’m thankful she still writes and shares and lives. This situation is so unfair and so maddening. It’s hard to manage the grief, the reality of everything. But, pieces like this give me language and direction. Keep going, keep reading, keep writing.
2/ This was an interesting reflection from Gwyneth Paltrow on the craziness surrounding “conscious uncoupling” and what she was really getting at with her breakup. The unifying threads here, to me, is about how we develop, how we show up and how we change to face the moments we’re in. Forgiving is really hard. Well it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Life’s easier when you can forgive - forgive yourself, forgive people you love for laziness or hurting you or missing the point. It’s worth a read if you’re in the mood to think about relationships and self-reflection. Certainly, if you want to keep relationships in your life so you can have a more beautiful existence.
3/ Modo yoga has created an online resource - they’ve essentially shifted their programming to a video library accompanied by daily, live classes. It’s not the same, of course, but it’s a great replacement while we continue to refrain from indoor activities and gathering in groups. I’m on day two of utilizing their videos and I’m already feeling a bit more agile and open. Highly recommend trying out the free week-long trial then committing to their online video courses.
This year, as I take in all these recommendations and all this “content”, I do hope that I hold on to these takeaways. These important moments of reflection that should and could lead to a better day-to-day experience. Ok, bye.