Saturday. Exciting. I have had zero coffee today and sitting here at 4:26pm it’s really hitting me. Rough dot com. But anyway, I told myself to do this damn newsletter, so I’m doing it. Here are my recommendations for this fine, clear, hot day.
1/ All hail this incredible kid. I came across Nandi Bushell from a tweet wherein she played the Foo Fighters and it was so pure and joyous and wonderful. She’s a must follow.
2/ We powered through Love Life and it was a delight. The show follows Anna Kendrick’s character as she tackles a different relationship in her life - it’s a deep dive on how we mature, develop and accept/give love. It’s also very funny and raw and has some real shining moments. Give it a watch on HBO Max.
3/ This isn’t really a recommendation but I saw this tweet and it resonated.
I’m so unsure about the future. About what’s to come and what is to be made of my life and the lives of the people I surround myself with. What is work? What is joy and pleasure? What is time? It’s all so unknown right now. So, I guess I’ll just recommend being ok-ish with the not-knowing. I’m learning to trust my instincts, to follow what feels right each and every day and let that build my days and my time. That is all I can do. That and be grateful, endlessly for my good fortune, my health and the love I am surrounded by.
Ok, bye.